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What is DEGEN?

  • 18 Jun, 2024

  • 2 Min read

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Introducing DEGEN: From Meme Coin to DEGEN Chain

DEGEN initially launched as a meme coin in January 2024, an ERC-20 token used primarily within the Farcaster Degen channel to reward active participants. Recently, DEGEN has expanded its utility and launched the DEGEN Chain, an Arbitrum Orbit chain that settles on Base and utilizes AnyTrust for data availability, with DEGEN as its native gas token.

Project Utility and Function

The launch of DEGEN Chain marks a pivotal development in DEGEN’s evolution. Transitioning from a simple reward mechanism to a foundational element of a decentralized ecosystem, DEGEN Chain integrates into the Base ecosystem, providing developers a platform to build decentralized applications (dApps) with DEGEN as the native token. 

Token and Token Utility

The tokenomics of DEGEN are designed to encourage community engagement and content creation. Similar to tokens like Blur (BLUR) and Uniswap (UNI), DEGEN tokens are earned through community interaction, such as receiving likes, comments, or holding specific NFTs. In this ecosystem, one point equals one DEGEN token, distributed via airdrops to incentivize active participation. This model ensures that those contributing to the community are rewarded, reinforcing DEGEN’s role as a community-driven token.

Information about the Founders

Jacek Trociński is the brains behind DEGEN Chain. Trociński aimed to create a token that not only offered robust utility but also fostered a supportive community foundation. Trociński aims for DEGEN to become a significant player in the decentralized space, with a clear focus on community and utility.

DEGEN's transformation from a meme coin to a community token illustrates its potential to grow and adapt within the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies. With a strong community foundation and innovative developments like DEGEN Chain, DEGEN looks to position itself to make a lasting impact.


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