Buy dollars, euros, pounds, and more and enjoy instant transfers between currencies at the click of a button. Our rates are just 0.2% for most major currencies. Among the best available for retail.
Buy foreign currencies at Uphold
Currencies on Uphold
At Uphold buying national currencies such as Australian dollars is fast and easy, opening an account takes minutes, without any unnecessary paperwork or waiting times.

How to buy national currency
With Uphold, you can set up an account, verify your identity and buy national currencies with ease.
Here is how:
… and you’re off to the races! You don’t even have to verify your identity. Just start trading.
A unique trading experience
Buying and selling national currencies at Uphold couldn’t be easier.
Just select your funding source in From - banks, cards, crypto wallets - and pick the crypto you want to buy-in To.
Tap in the amount and everything else is calculated for you.
It’s the easiest way to trade.