Turbo (TURBO) Price



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What is TURBO

TURBO is a meme coin and community-based, AI-powered crypto ecosystem. The project’s founder challenged GPT-4 to create the world’s next great meme coin with a budget of only $69. 

TURBO in their own words

TURBO describes themselves as a decentralized community powered by creativity and governed by AI. $TURBO believes in the potential of collective intelligence and the fusion of human creativity with artificial intelligence. 

How does it work?

TURBO engages a novel governance framework, in which an AI Oracle council, composed of 7 volunteers, is elected by community members. The council facilitates communication between the community and the TURBOAI Chatbot, and prompts it to make decisions for the community, bringing together the power of community and AI.  

TURBO token utility  

TURBO Coin is an Ethereum-based ERC-20 token that may be used for secure, transparent transactions within the Turbo ecosystem. TURBO can be used to purchase art and other NFT projects within the TURBO ecosystem. 

Learn More

To learn more about TURBO, click here.

How to buy Turbo (TURBO)

With Uphold, you can buy digital currencies in just 11 clicks - even if you don’t have an account yet. 

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Here’s how fast it is to get started:

1. Go to Uphold.com and click sign up.

2. Enter your email address and personal details. 

3. Click the link we send you and create a password

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