Sologenic (SOLO) Price



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About Sologenic (SOLO)

Sologenic describes itself as a "sophisticated ecosystem" built atop of the XRP ledger.

It facilitates investing and trading among blockchain assets (cryptos) and non-blockchain assets, such as stocks and commodities futures.

SOLO is the Sologenic ecosystem’s native token. It’s used for market making and liquidity provisioning, according to Messari.

Take Tesla stock, in a given example, per the Sologenic white paper; in this example, TSLA would be presented on the platform as a tokenized stablecoin ("TSLAƨ"). These stablecoins are thus tradable and redeemable against XRP.

"SOLO creates a dynamic bridge between crypto assets and non-blockchain-based assets," Messari said.

Sologenic as of December 2021 was set to airdrop $1 billion of SOLO to XRP holders, it said.

How to buy Sologenic (SOLO)

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